傅潇潇 副教授


电子邮箱: fuxiaoxiao@sdnu.edu.cn     办公地点: 山东师范大学长清湖校区F519










1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,磷烯基p-n结的理论设计及其电输运机理的研究,24万, 2019.01-2021.12,主持

2. 山东省自然科学基金培养项目,基于铁磁石墨烯的气敏元件的理论设计与研究,5万,2018.03-2020.06,主持

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于磷烯的纳米电子器件的理论设计与机理研究,5万,2018.06-2019.12,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,分子电子学理论计算方法的发展与高性能分子器件的理论设计,300万,2020.01-2024.12,参与

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于单分子器件技术的分子反应机理理论研究,60万,2022.01-2025.12,参与

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于金纳米电极的原子分子实时控制技术及其相互作用机理研究,60万,2020.01-2023.12,参与

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,纳秒脉冲介质阻挡放电等离子体催化重整甲烷-二氧化碳的机理研究59万,2021.01-2024.12,参与

8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,核酸碱基分子间含核量子效应的多通道质子转移特性理论研究,26万,2019.01-2021.12,参与

9. 国家自然科学基金博士后项目,新型非常态核酸碱基分子间质子转移特性的量子动力学研究,18万,2019.01-2019.12,参与

10. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,分子自旋器件中的界面杂化态效应研究,15万,2019.07-2022.06,参与





1. Wenfei Zhang, Guang-Ping Zhang, Zong-Liang Li, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Chuan-Kui Wang and Minglang Wang, Design of multifunctional spin logic gates based on manganese porphyrin molecules connected to graphene electrodes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24: 1849-1859

2. Shuang-Shuang Wang, Zhi Yang, Feng Sun, Ran Liu, Lin Liu, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Chuan-Kui Wang, and Zong-Liang Li*, Decoding Forming Processes of Different Contact Configurations in Au- and Ag-Electrode Single-Molecule Junctions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125: 27290–27297

3. Ze-Wen Hao#, Mi-Mi Dong#, Rui-Qin Zhang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Xiao-Xiao Fu*, An ultra-sensitive gas sensor based on two-dimensional manganese porphyrin monolayer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23: 11852-11862

4. Xiao-Xiao Fu*, Fei Wei, Yue Niu, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Designing high-performance spin filters and valves based on metal-salophen molecular chains, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2021, 131: 114737

5. Mi-Mi Dong, Guang-Ping Zhang, Zong-Liang Li, Ming-Lang Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang* and Xiao-Xiao Fu*, Anisotropic interfacial properties of monolayer C(2)N field effect transistors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22: 28074-28085

6. Xiao-Xiao Fu*#, Yue Niu#, Ze-Wen Hao, Mi-Mi Dong, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Surface decoration of phosphorene nanoribbons via 4d transition metal atoms for spintronics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22: 16063-16071

7. Mi-Mi Dong, Guang-Ping Zhang, Zi-Qun Wang, Zong-Liang Li, Ming-Lang Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Xiao-Xiao Fu*, Pervasive ohmic contacts of monolayer 4-hT(2) graphdiyne transistors, Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 225705

8. Ming-Lang Wang*, Guang-Ping, Zhang, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Low-Bias Conductance Mechanism of Diarylethene Isomers: a First-principle Study, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 33: 697-702

9. Ming-Zhi Wei, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Zi-Qun Wang, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Guang-Ping Zhang*, Bias and molecular-length dependent odd-even effect of rectification in 4′-methyl-2, 2′-bipyridyl-terminated n-alkanethiolate single-molecule diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7: 9000-9007

10. Xiang-Qian Lu, Chuan-Kui Wang, Xiao-Xiao Fu*, Modulating the electronic structures of blue phosphorene towards spintronics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21: 11755-11763

11. Mimi Dong, Ziqun Wang, Guangping Zhang, Chuankui Wang*, Xiaoxiao Fu*, Surface engineering of phosphorene nanoribbons by transition metal heteroatoms for spintronics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21: 4879-4887

12. Ming-Zhi Wei, Xi Yu*, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Zi-Qun Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Guang-Ping Zhang*, Controlling Rectification Performance by Tuning Molecule-Electrode Coupling Strength in Ferrocenyl-undecanethiolate Molecular Diodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123: 1559-1565

13. Ming-Zhi Wei, Zi-Qun Wang, Xiao-Xiao Fu, Gui-Chao Hu, Zong-Liang Li, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Guang-Ping Zhang*, Theoretical understanding of the inversion of rectification direction in ferrocenyl-embedded tridecanethiolate single-molecule rectifiers, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2018, 103: 397-402

14. Xiaoxiao Fu, Ruiqin Zhang*, Energetics of hexagonal boron nitride nanostructures: edge dependence and truncation effects, Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 6734-6740

15. Kunpeng Dou, Xiaoxiao Fu, A. De Sarkar, Ruiqin Zhang*, Dual response of graphene-based ultra-small molecular junctions to defect engineering, Nano Research, 2016, 9: 1480-1488

16. Kunpeng Dou, Xiaoxiao Fu, A. De Sarkar, Ruiqin Zhang*, Tailoring the transmission lineshape spectrum of zigzag graphene nanoribbon based heterojunctions via controlling their width and edge protrusions, Nanoscale, 2015, 7: 20003-20008

17. Xiaoxiao Fu, Ruiqin Zhang*, Guangping Zhang, Zongliang Li, Rectifying Properties of Oligo (Phenylene Ethynylene) Heterometallic Molecular Junctions: Molecular Length and Side Group Effects, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 6357

18. Fu Xiao-Xiao, Zhang Li-Xia, Li Zong-Liang*, and Wang Chuan-Kui*, Switching properties of bi-OPE-monothiol molecular junctions: Substituent effects and improvement of open-close ratio, Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22:028504

19. Zong-liang Li*, Xiao-xiao Fu, Guang-ping Zhang, Chuan-kui Wang, Effect of Gate Electric Field on Single Organic Molecular Devices, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 26:185-190




1. 山东师范大学优秀学士学位论文指导教师(201920202021

2. 第六届山东省大学生科技创新大赛三等奖指导教师(2019

3. 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划指导教师(20192020

4. 山东师范大学本科生科研基金项目指导教师(20182019

